09/22/2014 In My Writing
Sep 22, 2014

A Picture is Worth . . .

Just a few pictures to get us through the month. ‘lil q turns three this month – dag, do I feel old. But she is a big girl – ask her, she’ll tell you.  But baby do grow up so we bought her a new set of furniture for her room, allowed her friends to come over and play without their parents and started her on a new tumble class to help her develop her coordination. Busy month, but if you have children, you know three year olds are a bundle of energy.

Here are a few pictures from the first couple weeks.



  1. lilyvelden says:

    Cute as ever!

    Love the decal on the wall over her bed!!!

  2. marlew92 says:

    Wonderful pictures 🙂 If Lily is having the decal i’ll have that barbeque lol

  3. Anyta says:

    She is so incredibly beautiful. What a lovely girl. 🙂 They grow up quickly . . .

    • Don’t they? I remember when bubs was this age – and he was dancing in front of the TV in our room when ‘lil q just watched. I hate that they grow up, but it’s still so amazing to see it happen.

  4. skylar1776 says:

    Great job on the big girl bedroom! Love the pictures. Thank your for sharing them.

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