Kings of Lore and Legend—Update
Kings of Lore and Legend, Book three of Champion of the Gods is done. Now to submit it and hope DSP Publications accepts it.
In King of Lore and Legend, Farrell and Miceral are going to endless Lourdria in pursuit of the Gifts of the Gods and hopefully more information on Kel. Their travels will take them to the center of the continent to Agloth, city of the Goddess of Love.
One of the things I’ve really not done much with is highlight the ‘beings’ of Nendor. Unicorns and Peregrines are not horses and birds in my world. They are highly intelligent beings who are favored of the gods. Not are they intelligent, they have their own ruling class and their own society. Although Miceral and his people—the Muchari—are charged with protecting and taking care of the Peregrine and Unicorns, neither group needs the Muchari. In KOLAL we’re going to spend more time—a lot more time—with both.
As the beginning of The Eye and the Arm hinted at, the dwarves of Nendor will have a prominent roll in the coming war. Since the dwarves of Trellham were tricked into starting the first war between the gods, it is fitting that the dwarves have a hand in the second war. In KOLAL, Farrell, Miceral, Nerti and Klissmor are going to Colograd, the ‘youngest’ of the three dwarf nations. By virtue of his ending the war and saving what was left of Trellham’s dwarves, Kel had close ties with the other dwarf nations. As Kel’s heir, Farrell is going to inherit some of that relationship. He’s going to learn more about dwarfish culture and his roll in their society.
Peregrines might be my favorite beings on Nendor. Although I’ve not done much with them, we’ll see more of them in the coming books. They won’t have the same prominence as unicorns because Nerti and Klissmor are closer to Farrell and Miceral, but Peregrines a favorite of mine. Rothdin, Farrell’s adoptive father, showed some of his mettle near the end of The Eye and the Arm. His wisdom and strength will be called upon later in the series, but in Kings of Lore and Legend, Grohl and Takala, Farrell’s adoptive brothers, will get a larger look.
If you’re new to the Champion of the Gods series, start with The Last Grand Master. Click the banner to be taken to the book page where you’ll find information about the book, reviews and buy links:
If you’re interested in more information about the series, check out Book Two: The Eye and the Arm:
I’ve been looking forward to this third release and from what was mentioned above I probably won’t be. I look forward to reading about our heroes, their struggles and evolution.
*won’t be disappointed.
Thanks John. Drop me an email if you want to get an early copy of the book. I’m putting together an advance reader team.
I would like to be in on that team, too. I am so addicted to Champions of the Gods, I’ve probably reread books 1 and 2 so many times. I’ve bought The Last Grand Master twice. Once at Dreamspinner, and next when they republished with a new cover on DSP. I’ve read the summary of KOLAL, and I’m hoping and crossing my finger that you haven’t killed Peter. Please! Is it bad that I don’t even care if it’s Penelope they lost, as long as it’s not Peter or the Peregrines? When is KOLAL coming out?
Hi Marifor,
I’ll email you directly with the advance team info. I can’t say who really dies, but give Penelope a chance, she might grow on you. She grew on me.
Kings of Lore and Legend is slated for release in Mid-March of ‘l6. I was working on Book Four now. It takes me a moment to step back and think wait, what books are our, what can I say, what can’t I. Good thing this is the internet and I can hit delete when I say too much.
Thanks for the comment and thanks especially for reading.