A Summer (And Spring) in Pictures
So, yeah, I’ve been bad. No real picture update for months. (Some of you I’m sure are thing – thank the Lord!) So these span Easter, Mother’s Day, the puppy’s birth, a slew of birthday parties, strawberry picking, a Father’s Day concert, baseball games (though I’m not sure ‘lil q knows they played a game, she goes for the eats and carousal rides), a summer of field trips, the first year of soccer and a few other odds and ends. It also shows the progress of the puppies – Lindsey and Farrell (Mike named him for the main character in my Champion of the Gods series.) You think kids grow fast, fuhgeddataboutit. Dogs run laps around kids.
- Just because.
- Easter Egg Hunting we will go.
- ‘lil q in her Easter finery.
- ‘lil q and I went out for Fro Yo while the puppies were being born.
- Farrell when he was a day or two old.
- Mother’s day outfit, complete with hat. (Thankfully you can’t see the chocolate milk stain.)
- Farrell at about 7 weeks. He’s on the left with the blue collar)
- Wall Climbing at a friends b-day party
- Crazy dress up day at pre-school
- Spring time at a friend’s b-day party.
- Play time is always fun.
- This sums up being a kid.
- We tried to explain to ‘lil q you had to pick and pay, THEN you can eat them, but that didn’t sink in too well.
- After a hard day of strawberry picking a nice ice lolli really hit’s the spot.
- ‘lil q took us to a free Father’s day concert of Peter and the Wolf at Univ of Maryland.
- The orchestra playing.
- ‘lil q’s first view of the Capitol.
- Imitating Papa at work.
- At the Supreme Court on the day that our marriage was recognized.
- Just a quick pic before the fountain.
- Yep, we like ice cream at the baseball game too.
- Just to proof we actually went to the game.
- I never get a smile on the way to school, so I had to use this one.
- Some shots of DC on my way home from Rainbow Con.
- Some shots of DC on my way home from Rainbow Con.
- Some shots of DC on my way home from Rainbow Con.
- I do like me some ice cream.
- Me and Papa at lunch – yes I ate my sandwich first.
- Farrell using Lindsey as a pillow.
- The pups sacked out.
- On the bus with Papa on a field trip to the Smithsonian.
- Rogues gallery.
- Another line up? Oh no.
- Clearly not everyone was having as much fun as ‘lil q.
- At the bouncy house.
- You mean i have to jump off?
- The gang’s all here.
- Lunch time.
- At the DC Outwrite Fest. They had a children’s reading hour sponsored by the DC Library.
- ‘lil q practicing for her book signings.
- The school ‘World Cup.’
- With her medal after the game, but before the cake. 🙂
- Here’s how to enjoy a baseball game – first you get cotton candy . . .
- Then a fumble cake (funnel cake to everyone over the age of four) . . .
- Ride the carousal. . . (and then get ice cream.) Oh yes, maybe watch the game.
- Farrell and Lindsey taking another nap.
- With Papa on the boat tour of the Anacostia River
- ‘lil q, movie star.
- Showing off the new do. . .accessorized properly of course.
- 1st day of soccer practice is less scary with a friend.
- ‘lil q and her BFF ‘lil o
- I think they want us to kick the ball.
- ‘lil q and ‘her’ puppy – Lindsey relaxing together.
So precious! Looks like you’ve had a fantastic spring and summer! <3
Great pics of a fantastic family, with the most delightful little girl.
Just wonderful 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful pictures!
Just great pictures. You can see the change in Lil ‘q face. She’s growing up! So adorable and the puppies have really grown as well. Thank you for sharing them. I love seeing pictures of the whole family, including the 4-legged ones.
I’m not sure if I ever said this, but her eyes are absolutely gorgeous. She, and the puppies are growing up so fast. Thanks for sharing this part of your life.