Jan 23, 2017

Running The Bases With Drew Avera

Welcome to Running The Bases!  The first guest to sprint around the base paths is Drew Avera.  Drew is an unabashed space pirate at heart and in keeping with true pirate grit, he agreed to be the first guest on this feature. 

So round the bases with Drew and then leave a comment when your done. Three lucky commenters will win an eCopy of Broken Worlds, the first book in the Alorian Wars Series.

  • Why space pirates?

Wouldn’t the better question be why not? Seriously, space pirates are cool. Just look at Han Solo. Yeah, he’s a good guy, but he isn’t a law abiding citizen necessarily. Though, I have to say the space pirates in The Alorian Wars aren’t really good guys. Maybe I have a skewed view of the whole space pirate thing after all…

  • How does your perspective as an active duty navy veteran influence your perspective as a sci-fi writer?

It gives me a perspective of what it’s like to live on a ship for months at a time. I also see a lot of different personalities, some good and some bad. When you read about one of my characters feeling claustrophobic on a ship tumbling across open space, you can bet I’ve been there, except it was open seas and not space. I think I would prefer space, though. At least until the life support fails and I begin questioning why I made my life choices…

  • List three things you can’t do without on a daily basis

I am actually pretty good about doing without. Most people take for granted going home and having all of their stuff every day, but being deployed (8 months last time) I have gotten used to going without. I will say, the things that make me happy each day is seeing my wife and kids, having a creative outlet, and coffee. I swear I’m not addicted to coffee, but if the world ever runs out, I might die.

  • We see that you play guitar. What album gets you into creative mode?

It varies from project to project. My first few books were written to Alter Bridge, Chevelle, and Breaking Benjamin. Recently I have discovered instrumental metal and find that the lack of lyrics helps keep me from being distracted. My favorite instrumental acts are Conquering Dystopia and Paul Wardingham. Sometimes I still get distracted and have to play my guitar for a bit before I get back to the writing. Playing guitar also relieves more stress than fictionally killing people does, so I need my therapy lol.

Where to find Drew:




Find out more about Drew’s Alorian Wars series:

Alorian Wars


  1. sue kellett says:

    Sounds good. Is this complete as a trilogy or will there be more?

  2. Trix says:

    I’m pretty coffee-addicted myself…

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