Running the Bases with Kim Petersen
We will start off with an easy one. Tell us a bit about Millie.
Millie is a gifted young woman with a feisty disposition. She sees the world in colors and love, and strives to understand the connection between imagination, thought-creation and the limits we present ourselves.
Do you have more in store for Millie? If so can we get a sneak peak? If not what is next for you?
Millie has gone on to develop her extraordinary gift and challenge the evil serpent entity, Apepsis in my new release, Angels & Vixens, a thrilling urban fantasy that follows Millie and her brother Ace as they race towards a nail-biting showdown. Here you will find a sneak peek:
Up next? I’m joining a handful of writers and traveling across the US in November in a writing collaboration retreat hosted by J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon. By the end of the retreat we’ll have a book to publish. Super excited!
Not including writing, what is your dream job
I would love someone to pay me to travel the world and report on the local cuisine (think Anthony Bourdain), how interesting his life and experiences must be; and someone actually pays him to do this! The only drawback with this is, I’d probably end up the size of a house 😉
What would they most like to see more of in the fantasy genre?
Every writer has a message to convey, whether we’ve dressing our characters and beasts with magic and gifts, malice and sorcery, we can mold the story to address subjects that are important to us as individuals or society in general. That’s the beauty of writing, we get a voice. We can change the world with one reader at a time, I’d like to see more controversial/important subjects addressed in fantasy. If a writer feel passionate about a particular subject, chances are, there are people who need to hear about it.
About Kim Petersen
When Kim found herself divorced with 3 kids in 2007, she did what any thirty-something woman would do – she went to see a clairvoyant for the very first time.
The elderly woman peered into a crystal ball, studied her palm and deciphered a deck of playing cards in a way Kim had never before witnessed, while foretelling a vivid future laden with happiness, abundance and a mysterious dark man from across the seas.
Although it was determined there would be more children in her life, the gifted woman warned Kim against the notion, instead encouraging her to embrace the freedom that would come along with the growth of the three that already waddled behind her.
Kim left the aroma of scented candles and zesty tingles with her mind whirling with excitement and a new-found adventure buzzing through her thoughts – the prospect of more children the last thing to inflict upon her fantasies. Not when there was a dark mysterious man out there awaiting a magical rendezvous.
Two years passed until one evening a friend invited Kim to a birthday bash at a local pub. Her mother was in town so she eagerly accepted a night away from the kids where she would get to act and feel like an adult. She dressed in her winter dressy threads, drank way too much wine and sizzled up that tiny dance floor like tomorrow would never come – when it did arrive, she awoke with a throbbing headache, a churning stomach and phone call from a mysterious man who came from Holland.
It wasn’t long before they became inseparable and two more children emerged from her overly fertile womb, lending to the frantically busy life she now leads while writing her heart out between feeding and cleaning after small army of kids!
Kim discovers abundance around every dusty corner, every load of washing and every cooked meal each day – even when at times she is certain she might be better off if they put her away someplace safe!