Release Day for Craving Stains; by Alina Popescu
Synopsis Wynn Brenwood has been trapped by his mother since birth, shut away in a sterile, hospital-like apartment. Is it her desire to keep him safe that sees him locked up in his pristine cage? Or are her motives less innocent and well-intentioned? Wynn longs to break free to experience the world he sees beyond his window. Desperate to escape, he meets Doyle, a handsome, leather-clad, and enigmatic stranger. But is Doyle real, or is he just a figment of Wynnís imagination? Buy Links Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UUE58SU/ Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00UUE58SU/ Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00UUE58SU/ Amazon DE: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00UUE58SU/ WIP: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/craving-stains-by-alina-popescu/ ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-cravingstains-1766728-145.html Excerpt A nervous giggle escaped him and he rolled his eyes. It was hard to keep his emotions under control. …